Hours of Work and Rest Periods

Saskatchewan’s Employment Standards Act outlines the minimum standards of employment to be provided to employees. Under the Act, there are basic rules for hours of work and daily rest periods. These regulations set out the maximum allowable daily working hours and include mandatory rest periods.

Hours of Work:

The basic rules around hours of work are as follows:

  • An employee can work a maximum of 16 hours per day, except in certain cases.
  • Employers must provide employees with notice concerning start and end times.
  • Employers must provide at least 8 hours of rest between shifts.
  • Employers must provide work schedules at least one week before the schedule starts.

Employers must pay employees for at least three (3) hours each time they are required to report to work, or for the number of hours actually worked, whichever is greater.

Rest Periods:

Employers must provide employees with at least the following rest periods:

  • A 30-minute break per five-hour work period.
  • Employees who work 20+ hours per week must receive 24 consecutive hours away from work every seven days.

Employers do not need to provide other rest breaks. However, if rest breaks are provided, they must be paid.

Ask an HR expert about managing hours of work and rest periods:

We are an employer resource dedicated to small business owners. We know how important it is for you to understand how to effectively manage your employees’ hours of work and rest. For questions about this or any other employment issue, such as overtime pay and flexible time, call our free advice line at   1-888-219-8767